How to Ask the Cards What you Need to Know

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Oracle cards work on two main principles: energy and the law of free will

If you ask a question when you are nervous, upset, or highly charged, the cards will reflect that energy with their message.

If you ask a question from a place of clear-minded focus and a neutral energy, the cards will be able to communicate specific and accurate guidance.

It is also important to avoid common "yes or no" questions because the oracle cards will offer advice on actions for the seeker to pursue in order to achieve a desired outcome, or the cards will indicate energies present surrounding the seeker's quest.

More Tips!

As much as we all want answers right away after a big event or trauma in our lives, try to wait a few days for the initial shockwave to settle before booking a reading. The cards will pick up on confusing energy of the situation, and cloud the reading for what to do in the wake of the chaos. 

Try to avoid drugs and alcohol prior to a reading as these substances can lower your energetic vibration and possibly cause the reading to be unclear.

Book a reading when you are feeling physically and emotionally healthy! 


It is better to do a few, small, specific readings rather than trying to ask too much out of a 3-card spread!

Example Phrasing

What do I need to learn to attract a better...

What is the next step to accomplish...

How can I better handle this situation concerning...

What is the most likely outcome or result if I continue doing...

How can I release more negativity surrounding...

How can I increase my abundance in this area of my life...

What do I most need to know about my relationship with..

What does the ideal relationship look like with...

How can I overcome this specific obstacle...

How can I bring about the best possible outcome in this area of my life...

What should I consider before making a decision about...

What do I need to be aware of concerning...

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