
Single Card - Email or Email + Zoom Interpretation


Email us through the website your question, intention, or situation.

Indicate which deck you're drawn to or we will intuit one for you.

We will cleanse, bless, shuffle and meditate with the deck with your concerns.

We will draw a card and interpret it's meaning for you.

You will receive an email with a photo of the deck and card, and a written interpretation of what the card means and how the card can guide you through your life and situation.

For readings with a Zoom follow-up for more personal interpretations, reply to us from your emailed reading and we will respond with available times to meet. Expect the Zoom call to last about 15 minutes.

Three Card Spread - Email or Email + Zoom Interpretation

$44 - 66

Email us through the website your question, intention, or situation.

Indicate which deck you're drawn to or we will intuit one for you.

We will cleanse, bless, shuffle and meditate with the deck with your concerns.

We will draw three cards and interpret their meanings for you.

You will receive an email with a photo of the deck and cards, and a written interpretation of what the cards mean and how they can guide you through your life and situation.

For readings with a Zoom follow-up for more personal interpretations, reply to us from your emailed reading and we will respond with available times to meet. Expect the Zoom call to last about 30 minutes.

12-Month Spread - Email or Email + Zoom Interpretation

$88 - $111

Email us through the website your question, intention, or situation.

Indicate which deck you're drawn to or we will intuit one for you.

We will cleanse, bless, shuffle and meditate with the deck with your concerns.

We will draw five cards and interpret their meanings for you.

You will receive an email with a photo of the deck and cards, and a written interpretation of what the cards mean and how they can guide you through your life and situation.

For readings with a Zoom follow-up for more personal interpretations, reply to us from your emailed reading and we will respond with available times to meet. Expect the Zoom call to last about 60 minutes.

Example 3-Card Reading

$22 - $44

This is a general forecast reading I did for my friend in anticipation of the upcoming year 2021 as a  "3 - 6 - 9 Month" Spread. I used a round-style tarot deck called, "Tarot of the Cloisters," which is available on special request.

I cleansed and charged the cards with crystals, moonlight, and sage and as I was shuffling the cards, I thought about my friend and what she can expect in a general sense in the next year ahead. She wasn't specifically concerned about any one area, such as relationships, money, or career, so I asked the cards to give us insight about the best and highest outcomes from now (mid-December 2020) through March 2021, then from April through June, then from July through September.

Overall, I was very pleased to tell my friend that she has a really fantastic 2021 to look forward to! The Page of Swords is all about vibrant new ideas, learning new things, and is overflowing with passion, enthusiasm and positive energy! These new ideas are like being handed a gift, and now it's up to her to do what she will with this fresh way of thinking! Sounds like a great way to start 2021, if you ask me! In a general outlook, the Page asks you to be young at heart and be open to expanding your knowledge. This might include starting new projects at work or home, or even embracing a new way of thinking! Communication is a corner-stone of the "Swords" suit and deals with action in the mind and consciousness. When studying the illustration on this card, one can see that this young person is stoic yet confident, standing tall with a fist on their hip and focused on an upright sword (representing intellect and ideas). Although the scenery in the foreground is brown and the little trees are barren, the background shows the colored mosaic of a beautiful dawn sunrise. The ideas are there, now the adventure is up to her!

The Three of Pentacles is about exchange and teamwork. Knowing my friend well, I had to chuckle when this card came out, because she is very much a manager and likes to take charge! This card reminds her to allow others to have a collaborative input on these great new ideas she has been gifted with in the early part of the year! I'll remind her to "let people help" along her journey this year, even though her past experiences have shaped her into someone who says, "If I want it done right, I just better do it myself." This is a card that says to me that if she lets others in, the results will be positive! The pentacles are all about material and physical elements of life. This indicates that my friend is going to have help in the early stages of a project concerning her work, home, or something she owns already or desires to have.

Now the for the King!!! The King of Pentacles is the master of the external consciousness. He is confident in money and business, and can help others manifest financial abundance as well. For my friend, by the middle or end of the summer of 2021, it looks like she is going to be sitting pretty on a throne decorated in the success of her ideas and teamwork earlier in the year! She will have been able to take the gift of the vision that the Page of Swords gave her, embrace the helpful people around her, and create something amazing, successful, and REAL!!!!

Overall, the sequence of these cards is amazing. She has a Swords suit, followed by two Pentacles. The element of Air is represented in the Swords suit, and the element of Earth is represented in the Pentacles. I love love love that this spread starts with a breeze of ideas with the Page of Swords that sweeps over the physical manifestations that are growing and later achieved in the Earthy Pentacles! There is a nice momentum building here for my friend to plant the seeds of her desires in 2021, get the help and advice she needs to bring them to fruition, and as the summer turns to fall, she will be the King of her domain!

I fanned the cards out and selected three, one representing each three-month period. Working from left to right, the card representing Months 1-3 was the Page of Swords, the center card representing Months 4-6 was the Three of Pentacles, and the card seated on the right and representing Months 7-9 was the Kind of Pentacles.

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