Card Spreads

Email or Zoom - $22 - $44

Why is this happening?

How can I best get through this tough time?

What can the energy around this person, place or situation tell me?

What is the best thing I can do right now to achieve this goal? 

Where do I need to focus my attention in order to make positive things happen?

What is currently blocking me from my best health, love, or career?

How do I overcome the feeling of being "stuck?"

Single Card Spread

Example Questions:

Three Card Spreads

Example Context:

Email or Zoom - $33 - $66

Past - Present -Future

Situation - Problem - Advice

Mind - Body - Spirit

"My Energy" - "Their Energy" - "Our Energy"

Red Light - Yellow Light - Green Light!

Plant - Nourish - Harvest

3 Months - 6 Months - 9 Months

1 Year - 3 Years - 5 Years

12-Month forecast

Example Context:

Email or Zoom - $77 - $99

What is the major energetic theme I can expect in each month?

How do I get the most out of career, relationships, health, or general day-to-day interactions in the big picture?

What can I expect during this year as something big unfolds in my life such as a new job, new relationship, or new home?

What step can I take each month to help me achieve a specific goal?

How can I incrementally clear blockages from the past to make way for fresh abundance, experiences, and relationships?

grayscale photography of seven moon illustration

Looking ahead for the year!

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